Digitalizing planning, construction and operation with the BIM method

The modern BIM method significantly increases the quality and efficiency of projects

Building Information Modeling is a modern method of planning, constructing and operating buildings and infrastructure projects. The digital process involves collecting, managing and visualizing all relevant information in a central model. This model contains 3D models, time information, cost information and all other relevant information that is important for the project.

Using BIM in our clients’ projects enables collaborative working between all project participants with increased quality and efficiency. Communication and coordination can be improved, information losses minimized, and conflicts identified and resolved at an early stage.

quattron uses BIM as a project management tool to make accurate cost estimates, optimize scheduling, simulate construction activities and rationalize the operational use of buildings. In our view, BIM methodology is a tool which can be used by all project participants to jointly contribute to the success of the construction project. 

We advise our clients, develop a suitable strategy for them, and support them in the successful implementation of their BIM goals and requirements, from project preparation through to operation.

Our scope of services includes:

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