Capacity and quality for the rail system of the future

Tool-supported optimization of operating procedures at the interface with infrastructure

In terms of rail operations, quattron supports the further development of control, command and signaling and also the clarification of various issues relating to the track capacity/performance of the rail system. 

Train protection, train control and signaling (combined in the CCS) are essential elements in the overall rail system. While train protection, such as the European Train Control System (ETCS), has always required interaction between infrastructure and the vehicle, the system network is also becoming increasingly important in terms of train control with the implementation of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) as a controlling intervention from the Traffic Management System (TMS) on the train journey. However, even “within” the infrastructure or the vehicle, CCS can only be ideally implemented if all subsections work together. For example, there are dependencies on the track topology, the overhead line system, grade crossings, and the braking capacity of the vehicle.

The provision of infrastructure capacity is the core product of railway infrastructure companies. The achieved operational quality, such as punctuality, goes hand in hand with the allocation of capacity and the train path design. Track capacity and operational quality are influenced by a great number of factors. These include the entire canon of infrastructure design, CCS, dynamic characteristics of the rolling stock, buffer and reserve times, dependencies in the timetable structure, availability of components, induced delays, and applicable scheduling rules.  

The aim of railway operations studies is usually to increase track capacity and operational quality by varying the influencing variables mentioned and increase awareness of the rail system network. The system network goes beyond the above-mentioned infrastructural relationships and also takes into account, for example, processes of rail transport companies, passenger changes, vehicle design, and resource planning. We combine this holistic approach with the requirement to consider the ever-changing political environment. We use our own technical software solutions and provide the following services with a focus on rail operations: 

Various methods are used (e.g. queueing theory, simulation, driving dynamics considerations) to provide these services, depending on the observation period, to quantify and evaluate the interactions between all subsystems. All procedures are in line with the relevant regulations of the railway infrastructure companies. Thanks to our scientific background, we can update the methods used to meet specific requirements if necessary. 

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