Track capacity as a core product of railway infrastructure companies

Analysis and optimization of the mechanisms of action on rail operations, particularly in the system context

Thanks to a large number of projects in various countries, quattron is well networked in the rail sector and is able to transfer best practices to the respective issues and identify potential weaknesses at an early stage.

quattron has examined numerous individual issues in the context of ETCS and digital rail technologies and their effects on rail operations. For example, guidelines for an ideal block section were developed and interactions between the overhead line system and block section, between grade crossings and block sections were analysed and effects during the start-up of ETCS rolling stock equipment were evaluated. Upgrade scenarios for a migration from ETCS L1LS to ETCS L2 and L3 were analysed for SBB, as were the effects of different ETCS levels on capacity and stability on the Dagmersellen-Emmenbrücke line.

We support for instance ÖBB in the projects “Adaptive Zuglenkung” and “infraDOAS” in the development of driver advisory systems, which play a key role in energy-saving driving and achieving optimal operating quality. Here, we contribute our expertise in almost the entire functional chain – from algorithms for calculating driving advices up to usability in the output on the driver’s cab.

Capacity issues not only affect railway infrastructure managers, but also railway undertakings. In the past, we have already created concept studies for the optimisation of dispatching, preparation of departure or dwell times at stations – always taking into account the overall railway system.

In addition, we also deliver railway operations studies on behalf of public authorities or ministries in Germany and abroad. For the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the Rhineland, for example, we prepared the Aachen junction study or capacity analysis for the rail network in the Lower Rhine region. For the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport, we were involved in several reports on journey time reductions on the international Stuttgart-Zurich corridor.

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