LUKS as an independent, encapsulated
central interface

Microscopic services for demand-oriented use by other tools

LaaS (Luks as a Service) provides known and proven functionalities of LUKS as an independent, encapsulated, and central interface, with which microscopic services such as microscopic routing, travel-time calculations and resulting occupancy calculations, and conflict detection can be implemented for simple and demand-oriented use by other tools.

LaaS uses microscopic databases from LUKS as a source of basic data, meaning that LUKS is a very powerful tool for maintaining and managing microscopic data, including various import interfaces in different formats, and can be used to provide data for LaaS. LaaS uses all the information for calculations that is also used in the LUKS interactive tool and it largely configurable.

LaaS offers the previously outlined microscopic functionalities as GUI-free services for use by IT clients, i.e. calling tools/applications. Following this paradigm, LaaS offers various dialects and interfaces that have been coordinated and developed with individual IT clients and also offer generic information services as a general service:

All dialects described above run centrally or locally as services without user interfaces and therefore primarily represent functions used by third parties.

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