Procurement of all required land, areas, and rights of way or use

Important core processes in the planning phase of infrastructure projects

In the area of site acquisition, we support our clients in expanding their network infrastructure (mobile radio, digital radio, GSM-R). We acquire new sites in accordance with the requirements of mobile and fixed network planning, carry out the necessary coordination with site co-users, secure changes to the scope of use and extend contract terms at existing sites. We also offer project management services in the area of acquisition.

In the area of rights of way and land management, we obtain rights of way for major infrastructure projects. This happens to be one of the major, most important core processes in the planning phase for the successful completion of the project. Timely agreements with owners and authorized users as well as crossing partners are necessary and indispensable prerequisites for project progress.

Dazu prüfen und plausibilisieren wir die Daten zu den Flurstücken in einem vom Kunden vorgegebenen Bereich, ermitteln für sämtliche Flurstücke die Eigentümer und Bewirtschafter, nehmen sowohl schriftlich als auch mündlich entsprechend der abgestimmten formalen Anforderungen mit den Betroffenen Kontakt auf und informieren über das geplante Vorhaben. Wir nehmen an Eigentümerdialogen für die wegerechtliche Kommunikation mit Eigentümern und Nutzungsberechtigten teil. Wir beschaffen immobilienspezifische Daten über die Flurstücke. Wir holen Betret- und Befahrerlaubnisse und Einverständniserklärungen von Ämtern ein. Wir schließen Kreuzungs-vereinbarungen bei zu querenden und parallel verlaufenden Infrastrukturen ab.

We determine the amount of compensation to be paid for the right of way and draw up contract documents, all while adhering to the models and processes specified by our clients. Our task requires careful handling of the GDPR and complete, court-proof documentation of our services. The collected data is processed in complex database systems. Rights of way are contractually secured by means of limited personal easements, for which we also assist with entry in the land register, or by means of permits for temporarily used areas and road use. Another option for which we can offer support is the acquisition of plots of land. For the implementation of major infrastructure projects, we also coordinate compensation and offsetting measures with the owners and managers of the land in question and secure these contractually. Finally, we take care of the settlement of post-construction damage and compensation for restrictions on use. We continuously ensure the quality of our work in all processes.

The following are the goals that we have to achieve with the rights of way work:

Our work makes a significant contribution to the energy transition. We are, for example, securing the rights of way for an important project, which aims to convert the electricity supply in Germany to renewable energies across the board.

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